Are you interested in learning about what monuments are and why they matter for social justice? Do you want to create your own JUST monument? In this summit, you will learn about current monuments, memorials, and public art projects, as well as the protest movements that surround them. Through case studies and field trips, you will gain an understanding of contemporary activist strategies to dismantle, revise, or remove confederate and settler-colonialist monuments. You will also learn from women and non-binary artists of color who are monumentalizing histories in the spirit of furthering social justice in the present moment. The two weeks will end with you creating your own JUST monument that will be permanently installed inside of the Northwest School building. Be prepared to READ, LOOK, THINK, COLLABORATE, and MAKE in this summit!
Wayfinding:"How a person or animal centers themselves and is aware of where they are and how to get to their destination; they have an awareness of the direction of their destination." "To see where you are going and know where you have been." "You don't necessarily know exactly where you are on your journey; you are lost but not lost; you are part of the experience." "Wayfinding is non-linear and is about solving a problem for a specific circumstance or context."